Hope for North Brevard’s Executive Director, Trey Gordon, is honored to lead a new community steering committee tasked with researching, developing and implementing work force housing solutions. This is a huge task and one of our communities biggest needs!
One initiative of this committee is to be assemble a volunteer team to beautify and prepare vacant homes for occupancy. We are looking for: leads on vacant homes, skilled labor willing to volunteer, teens/adults willing to volunteer, and sponsors to donate money/supplies to tangibly improve housing availability.
The first HOPE FOR HOUSING Community Work Days are Monday, July 20 – Wednesday, July 22, 2020. To sign up to volunteer, click https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040b4ea4aa23a46-hope
To financially donate, visit our website’s main page and click the blue “donate today” button at the bottom (please note “Hope for Housing” in comments/memo).
If you know of possible vacant houses, would like to be a part of the steering committee or have further questions, email Trey at treygordon22@live.com
Note: If we have a high volume of volunteers, we would like to extend our housing help to elderly, low income and/or people with disabilities who need housing repairs done.
Join us in serving our community, because everyone deserves a place to live.